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RSS FeedsAcross China: Never too old: a dancing granny`s youthful dream
(WorldNews China)


13 july 2019 14:50:04

Across China: Never too old: a dancing granny`s youthful dream
(WorldNews China)

by Xinhua writers Ren Yaoti, Yue Xitong and Ji Xiaodong BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Du Si was a dance enthusiast from a very young age, yet her life performing began after she was turning gray. Despite the summer heat and unseasonal rain, Du, 62, always arrives at her open-air dancing studio, a park filled with black bamboo in Beijing, on time. Over the past seven years, Du, alongside dancing herself, has acted as a teacher, manager, sound engineer and accountant of her dance troupe, where she is known as `Teacher Du.` As soon as Du starts dancing, her expressive arm movements and gestures show her great passion for life, and she twirls in the afternoon sun enchanting the other dancers and...

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